Monday, November 18, 2013

Sourcing Servos and Additional Ideas

We had a small team discussion about acquiring the parts needed for the project.

The wooden components will be bought last, after the entire assembly has been completed and tested.  This will give us more flexibility in getting the electrical and coding side of the project done.

Of the 3 servos required for this project, 2 will likely need more strength than the small ones included in our 
Arduino kits.  The catapult release servo will not need as much torque, and can be supplied by the Arduino kit.  The 2 stronger servos in the design can come from my old RC stadium truck.  Since this truck is a 1/10th scale stadium truck requiring relatively strong servos for steering, these servos will provide us with enough size and torque for the project.

We also bounced around the idea of adding LED lights and an LCD panel to indicate the control setting of the catapult, but decided to put this off until we can get the catapult working properly.  Once the coding is done and controls are tested with the Arduino board, we will start working on adding these features in.

1 comment:

  1. we are going to use 3servo motors most likely one for tension, one for angle and one for firing.
